How is it that you can read something many times and yet
read it for the first time? The story of
the Israelite exile from Egypt is a familiar story to most – thanks to Cecil B. DeMille and Charlton Heston in the 1956 movie “The Ten Commandments”. While not completely accurate, even today as
I read the story out of the book of Exodus I picture scenes from that movie.
As a part of my 'read the Bible through plan' this year I
found myself these last few days reading from the book of Exodus. In between the plagues and the revelation of
the Ten Commandments, I found an interesting insight.
Finally the people were leaving Egypt after some extremely
powerful signs from God and with the plunder of silver and gold. The four hundred plus years of slavery and
bondage were at an end. Promised Land
here we come! Except…God did not lead
them on the road through Philistine country though it was shorter.
All logic, all GPS’, all maps would say the shortest and
fastest way to Canaan was the way through Philistine country. No one would have said ‘let’s go via the
desert and toward the Red Sea.’ That did not make sense.
I guess the reason this verse impacts me is that I have
found myself more times than maybe I want to be in a place that didn’t make
sense, was illogical, and definitely not the shortest way to..…well not the
shortest way. I have had quite the conversation with God (albeit one way
conversation) about this issue. ‘Surely
You didn’t mean to send me here.’ ‘Surely
I misread or misunderstood something.’ ‘Surely You didn’t mean for this to
Whether by our own choices or by circumstances around us I
suspect most of us find ourselves wanting the easy (or easier/easiest) way
out. I can imagine the Israelites were
pretty confused when Moses led them the opposite way they were supposed to be
God, of course, had a purpose in leading them the way He
did. The purpose is always His glory and
in the crossing of the Red Sea we see just one more amazing provision and
exhibition of His power.
God’s way for us may not be the shortest, easiest, or make
the most sense (in our minds). In fact
it probably won’t be any of those but we will grow in ways we would have never
known. We will experience Him in ways we
never have. His Word will come alive for
us like it never has. I would rather
take the long way with God than the shorter route without Him. Shortcuts can and will shortcut us of
blessings. It just doesn’t turn out well…check with the Israelites a little
later in the book of Exodus. They find
out the hard way.