Friday, April 20, 2018

Let the Children Come

I recently chaperoned Ford’s field trip to the Oklahoma City science museum.  He is six years old and in kindergarten therefore he didn’t tarry too long at any exhibit even though there is a lot to see.  It was a fast paced day as we went quickly from display to display.  

I feel that way as we move through Matthew in our RBT18 readings.  There is so much to ponder and yet our readings move us quickly to the next story or parable.  I often wonder why the Gospel writers chose the stories they used in their writings.  Of course they were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write what they did but I think it is interesting especially when the story is repeated in other Gospels.  So I did pause and contemplate one story that we find in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

Jesus welcomed and loved children.  He called a child to stand among his disciples after they had asked “So who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”--Matthew 18: 1-11 (I especially like the “so” in their question.)  I’m not sure what they thought Jesus’ answer may be but since He had just rebuked demons and supplied tax money in the mouth of a fish I really don’t think they were expecting Him to bring a child among them.  We have no description of this child.  I kinda think it could have been a rambunctious little guy like Ford.  Nonetheless the child was unafraid and stood among the disciples.  No doubt Jesus looked lovingly and tenderly at the child and I think probably had tears in His eyes as He spoke the words found in verses 6-10.  He meant business when it came to the children.  In Matthew 19 we find Jesus again blessing the children.  (I must wonder if maybe this child from chapter 18 went and told his friends—total conjecture!)    

I am blessed so much to be a part of the children’s ministry by teaching in Sunday School and Team Kids.  There is nothing like the blessing of hearing a group of children singing praise to God and there is nothing as humble and honest as the prayer of a child.

How I pray we as adults would as Jesus said ‘turn and become like children’.  We get worried about how we may sound or look as we worship God but kids don’t.  We get all caught up in what we say in our prayers but kids don’t.  They speak truthfully from their hearts.  

I was worn out at the end of the field trip but I was so pleased to have spent the day with Ford.  I may not have learned a whole lot from the science museum but I was blessed to be with children.  The Bible teaches Jesus thought so also.  

Forty —Part Deux!

A few years ago I dedicated an entry to Heather celebrating her fortieth birthday.  It was a milestone for her but also for me.   Now here I...