Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Ruthless Enemy

A few years ago Bill got a bird feeder to set outside our kitchen window. He thought it would be fun to watch birds that might come to our neighborhood.  Well --fast forward to today and we now have a bird feeder village feeding a variety of birds!  Gold finches seem especially drawn to us at this time of year.  They seem to appreciate the extra seeds and peanut butter Bill provides for them.  

This New Year morning was no different as the birds begin a little after sunrise pecking at the seeds.  We were watching them filling every perch when suddenly —they disappeared.  Bill commented something must have scared them but just as quickly he noticed the reason for their departure.  Less than ten yards away in our neighbor’s bushes, a huge hawk had settled in for a quick breakfast treat.  Bill headed out the door sure to scare it away and show these birds are protected.  The hawk flew reluctantly away..but not too far away.  

This situation brought to my mind a familiar passage.  2 Peter 5:8 says”  Be sober-minded, be alert.  Your adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.”  We are like the finches, going about our business, having fun, filling our desires with good things and mostly unaware of the enemy who comes dangerously close. If we are not careful, he will certainly devour us.  

Several things popped out about this description.  First the devil is an adversary.  That means he is not for us.  He seeks to scatter, not gather or unite.  Second he is prowling.  To prowl is ‘move around restlessly and stealthily, especially in search of, or as if, in search of prey.’  That is completely different than casually walking by or happening upon.  The enemy knows exactly where to look and who to look for.  That hawk knew the feeders which we had placed for good was also a place to find his prey.  Third, he is looking for anyone he can devour.  It doesn’t matter if it is a pastor or a parishioner, man or woman, gold finch or sparrow-he doesn’t care.  He wants prey! 

How do we fight this kind of enemy?  While Bill chased the hawk away this time, it will probably come back.  We could stop feeding the birds but they would miss the feast.  So what works?  I think the answer is in verse 8:  “Be sober minded , be alert.” 
R. C. Sproul says “To be sober-minded is to treat truth seriously and to have a healthy doubt as to our own understanding of truth.”  In other words know the Word.  You are no match for the enemy but God’s Word shuts him up and chases him away.  

The hawk’s goal is to scatter and to scare but his ultimate goal is to destroy.  Our enemy is no different.  Start the new year with a goal to make God’s Word a priority.  It’s the only sure fire defense against a ruthless enemy!    

Forty —Part Deux!

A few years ago I dedicated an entry to Heather celebrating her fortieth birthday.  It was a milestone for her but also for me.   Now here I...