The other day while on my daily (well almost daily) walk I passed by an elementary school where the children were leaving the school building headed to the playground walking in a perfectly straight line. I thought of what an interesting story that would may so I spoke into my phone to send me a message that said “walk in line”. I went on about my walk but when I got home and saw my message it said “walk and wine”.
Now there’s several ways to go with that one but I’ll take a path close to home. My walk that morning actually was a walk and “whine”. That morning just had not gotten off to a good start and the most frustrating things kept happening. I know retired people should just be happy and relaxed all the time but I just haven’t gotten there yet. I had whined about this and whined about that but still had decided to go on a walk.
Passing by that school and seeing the kids, I did remember how many times I had had playground “duty” and felt a little bit missing out but…it passed pretty quickly. I did continue to glance at the kids playing together and noticed the teachers who were “on duty” when I saw at the kids coming out to play walking very dutifully in a line. Walking in line pretty much ends at elementary school but I smiled at this making my whine day a little less important.
Walking in line shows patience, respect, and obedience (so says a former teacher). We always told the students, walking in line helps us get them safely and quickly from one place to the next but unless you were the line leader, it really didn’t make much sense to them. There was always a lot more action at the end of the line but I wouldn’t know about that.
So how does any of this relate? Micah 6:8 says “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” We are given some simple basic instructions to get us from one place (earth) to another (heaven). The instructions are for our good and to help us arrive safely home. We sometimes get distracted and may hold up the line or there are times the teacher has to stop and correct us before we can move forward.
God had sent me a little correction that day with a bit of humor. My voice activated commands are not always accurate and are sometimes totally off base but God’s Word is always accurate and true. My walk ended with a lot less whine and more in line with truth.