Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Praying Simply or Simply Praying

“Lord, hear! Lord, forgive! Lord, listen and act!”  We find this simple yet profoundly powerful prayer in Daniel 9:19.  I am astonished and amazed to think of how appropriate and perfect that prayer is for us today-amid COVID and its consequences, amid political confusion, amid our own consternation of what to do with all of it!

I realized it has been exactly one year today since I have posted on my blog-Turn Left Right Here.  I can certain testify it has not been for lack of something to say or that nothing has been going on in my life or the lives of those around me!  I have probably thought of a hundred or more possible entries yet here I am 365 days later ready to start again.  

One year ago today Bill and I had just celebrated with family and friends his retirement from FBC Burkburnett.  As I still think so tenderly of our Burk family I am reminded what I posted in our thanks to the community via The Informer Star “—as Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 2:8 “We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives because you had become dear to us.”  We also celebrated with friends from other churches on that day.  For us these friendships are all intertwined -being a part of our story.  We forget that the friends from Fairview don’t know the friends from Bristow or Allen or Burkburnett.  So now we find ourselves in the next chapter of our story.  Adding new characters and new plots. More to come later on that!

The biggest plot for us, as well as almost everyone in the world, has been the COVID crisis.  There have been plenty of voices saying a lot of things so I didn’t think I needed to add mine.  Lately though I have been convicted and convinced that my story, my insights are unique and while I certainly don’t have answers to our crisis I can share how I am dealing.

I admit I haven’t handled this whole ‘thing’ well.  I am always thankful (or maybe validated) when I hear from a respected Christian leader that they are also struggling-maybe that’s not necessarily something to be thankful of but none the less it helps.  I can’t make this post include everything I have learned for the last 365 days but I want to focus on the above passage and hopefully become more intentional about writing.  

There have been a ton of studies done on the book of Daniel and many of them are great!  I will not be deep in meaning of this wonderful book but we should be reminded Daniel was taken from his home at a young age.  He was taken to Babylon which at this time, was the world power.  Babylon was not a godly nation by any means and yet Daniel and at least three of his friends whom we know best by their Babylonian names-Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego took a firm stand for Jehovah.  Daniel even though he was given a powerful position in Babylon and actually grew old there never compromised his faith.  In Daniel 9, we see he knows God’s Word (according to Jeremiah) so he is aware there will be 70 years of captivity for Israel.  He doesn’t have all the details of how it will end, or how people will respond, nor does he have any answers.  He just turns to God in prayer and petition.  The whole prayer in verses 4-19 is definitely worth reading but in verse 19 he says “Lord, hear! Lord, forgive! Lord, listen and act!”  I am thinking it is very similar in heart to the LORD’s prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.  He acknowledges the LORD; he acknowledges His kingdom come, he acknowledges our need for forgiveness, he acknowledges it is only God who can act.  

God is not asking us to come up with good solutions for COVID and its consequences, He is wanting us to rely on Him.  Sometimes through all of this craziness, I have really had a hard time seeing good.  I know God welcomes our thoughts and concerns and questions.  He knows our hearts are heavy.  I don’t think there is anyone who (truly) says they were or are unaffected by COVID.  There are tons of perspectives and opinions on how to look at our current situation but when I came across this prayer in Scripture, I was encouraged.  Simple and to the point.  Sometimes less is more…. 

(I love writing and sharing my thoughts and the best way for me to do that currently is sharing my blog.  I hope to be much more intentional and regular to share.  My prayer is to use my insights to glorify God and be a good steward of what He has given me.)

Forty —Part Deux!

A few years ago I dedicated an entry to Heather celebrating her fortieth birthday.  It was a milestone for her but also for me.   Now here I...