Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Unlikely Rescuer

This was the kind of news story that brought a smile to me and everyone who heard it. The report was about a surprise rescuer but a more surprised “rescuee”.

Because of recent flooding in Oklahoma a man found himself in a desperate situation.  He found himself at an impasse and wasn’t sure how to get himself to safety when along came a man in a large truck ready and willing to help.  When the man being rescued realized his helper was a very well known country singer, he completely forgot about his desperation and was overcome at his good fortune.  He called his wife and said “you better get your shine on because you won’t believe who is bringing me home.”

I don’t think I have ever heard that phrase (even being from Oklahoma) but it was noteworthy.  I thought about it several times throughout the day…getting my shine on.

This event makes me think there are things or times that make me want to sit up a little straighter, listen a little better, make sure makeup and hair are just right.  Some things require a little more “shine”.  But I have to wonder..why?  Why is it that some things or people take up a huge amount of my attention and other times I am satisfied with (to stay in context) being dull.

Psalm 90:12 says “Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.”  The commentary I read along with this verse says “how would we live if we knew we only had a few days or few months left on this earth?  Would our concerns and priorities be different?”  Most of the time we are content to be dull and only less intentional about our “shine.”

This unlikely encounter will be out of tomorrow’s news but this rescued man will never forget how Blake Shelton rescued him.  While we hopefully will not find ourselves in the same situation we need to be ready to “get your shine on” you never know who may show up on your doorstep!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Another Last Day

Today was my last day of work…37 years, two states, ten schools, and fifteen different positions later here I sit balling my eyes out instead of celebrating.  I am so confused.  It’s not like I decided today to retire.  This day has been in the decision stage for several months maybe even several years…..so why the “sadness”.

I believe it is because for the first time in 37 years I actually realize I was called to be a teacher.  As pathetic or puzzling as that statement may be, it actually is the truth.

Several times throughout my career we would be asked “what made you want to be a teacher?”  I always wanted to copy others’ answers like “I played school with my dolls since I was a little girl.”  Or “I was inspired by a teacher that I loved”.  Or “I was inspired to do better by a teacher that was horrible.”  Somehow my answer always seemed lame but it was true.  “I never wanted to be a teacher but when I went to college the foreign language degree I wanted to get wasn’t available so I switched to education.” 

Even though I always tried to work hard and go the extra mile or two, I didn’t think deep down it was the area of my giftedness.  I know today from this side of it all, it was the right decision.  Throughout these 37 years I met incredible and inspiring kids, parents, and educators.  I was blessed, really blessed.  It seemed as if a curtain was been pulled back and I finally knew the reason for the tears and heaviness I felt today.  I really had been “called” to be an educator.  That’s what was making this so hard.  I was grieving because it was, it is a loss of something that was a huge part of my life and a huge part of my heart. 

I hate that it took me so long to realize this truth about myself.  God led me along with so many tender mercies throughout this process but I was not always grateful or graceful. Now any of my complaints seem petty and prideful.

It is foolishness to any one else but to me this realization is the last piece of this puzzle.  Now it all makes sense…what a beautiful picture it really is!

Forty —Part Deux!

A few years ago I dedicated an entry to Heather celebrating her fortieth birthday.  It was a milestone for her but also for me.   Now here I...