This was the kind of news story that brought a smile to me and everyone who heard it. The report was about a surprise rescuer but a more surprised “rescuee”.
Because of recent flooding in Oklahoma a man found himself in a desperate situation. He found himself at an impasse and wasn’t sure how to get himself to safety when along came a man in a large truck ready and willing to help. When the man being rescued realized his helper was a very well known country singer, he completely forgot about his desperation and was overcome at his good fortune. He called his wife and said “you better get your shine on because you won’t believe who is bringing me home.”
I don’t think I have ever heard that phrase (even being from Oklahoma) but it was noteworthy. I thought about it several times throughout the day…getting my shine on.
This event makes me think there are things or times that make me want to sit up a little straighter, listen a little better, make sure makeup and hair are just right. Some things require a little more “shine”. But I have to wonder..why? Why is it that some things or people take up a huge amount of my attention and other times I am satisfied with (to stay in context) being dull.
Psalm 90:12 says “Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.” The commentary I read along with this verse says “how would we live if we knew we only had a few days or few months left on this earth? Would our concerns and priorities be different?” Most of the time we are content to be dull and only less intentional about our “shine.”
This unlikely encounter will be out of tomorrow’s news but this rescued man will never forget how Blake Shelton rescued him. While we hopefully will not find ourselves in the same situation we need to be ready to “get your shine on” you never know who may show up on your doorstep!
Darling, even in your dullest day, your heart always have a "shine" going