Thursday, December 24, 2015

"Inside, Out"

Passage: 1 John 3:20  God is greater than our hearts and knows all things.”

This past year a Pixar movie came out called “Inside, Out”.  The movie was delightful, entertaining, and truthful.  The premise of the movie is how the mind, actually more the emotions of a young girl developed through her circumstances and environment. 

We recently watched the movie as a part of our Thanksgiving family movie night.  While I had seen the movie two times already, I enjoyed watching the emotions and actions of the kids.  We especially liked the end of the movie (no spoiler alert) because it gave us a picture of how others have trains of thought and emotion and what you see may not be what is going on inside.

No one knows us better than God.  We can pretend and fake our way with others but He sees right at our heart.  While that may be unsettling for some, for me it is extremely comforting. 

There are times I don’t know what I am thinking.  Some things or emotions surface as my memory bank pulls up a similar situation.  Sometimes I feel like Paul when he said in Romans 7:19 the good I want to do, I don’t do and the bad I don’t want to do, I do.   It’s times like that when I am comforted to know God is greater than my heart and He knows everything.

Christmas has become a time that emotions run high and low.  We don’t always act the ways we want or better said others don’t act the way we want them to act.  Things can get out of our control and worlds start to crumble.  One thing can happen leading us to a thought that goes from zero to sixty and we have out-of-control anger before we ever utter a word. 

God gave us emotions and He knows we have feelings that change based on who we are and what we have experienced.  He also knows that we are not without help or boundaries in controlling our emotions and knowing that He knows everything even our deepest thoughts means He knows us inside out. 

Lord, thank you that you are greater than our hearts.  You know what causes us hurt and anger, joy and happiness.   You know us better than we know ourselves.  May we find comfort in this truth.

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