Passage: Psalm
16:5-6 “LORD, You are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my
future. The boundary lines have fallen
for me in pleasant places; indeed I have a beautiful inheritance.”
June 11, 2015 was my last official day of work as an
educator. After 37 years, two states,
ten schools, and fifteen different positions later I walked out of the school
without an identity badge and keys. I
felt like I was saying goodbye to more than just co-workers. I felt like I was saying goodbye to
myself. This day had been in the
decision stage for several months yet a wave of sadness came over me as the
tears flowed wildly.
While I contended for several years with self-confidence and
calling in this field, I knew I had made the right decision out of college to
enter this crazy world of education. And
while my reasons for becoming a teacher differed from mostly everyone else, I
realized as I headed home on that day without a job for the first time in a
long time that I had been unbelievably blessed.
Within the boundary lines of those 37 years I had met incredible and
inspiring kids, parents, and educators.
Since that time I have had to make adjustments to my life,
my days, and my time. I will say it is
getting easier and easier and I must chime in with others who have retired and
say “ I don’t know how I got everything done when I worked.” These few months have been so full yet
anything but restful and relaxing.
I love the above verse in Psalms. It has been a source of help during
transition times. If I know God sets my
boundary lines, if I know He holds my future, and if my inheritance is
beautiful, then I can trust God’s leadership for the next journey.
The words of an old children’s song that the girls used to
sing says:
“He’s still workin’ on me; To make me what I ought to
be. It took Him just a week to make the
moon and the stars, the sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars; How loving and
patient He must be; 'Cause He's still workin' on me!”
(Written by Joel
Hemphill; Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group)
So what comes next?
I’m not sure but it will be just right for me.
How can
you trust God more in your life’s journey?
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