Monday, August 24, 2015

New Beginnings, New Starts, New Toenail

Today all around the area, school doors opened to a brand new year.  Cameras clicked, teachers smiled, children posed, and parents cried (or laughed depending on how the summer went).  For many students and teachers it was a beginning of many years in education and for others, it may bring about the last lap in this school race.

It was a new beginning for me as well but a different one than the last 37 years.  Today was my first day of the first year of retirement.  For the first time in a long time, I did not answer to the ring of the bell or the hands on the clock so...I knew I needed a decoy.

The decoy was an exercise class at a nearby newly-opened studio.  I had attended this type of class with my daughter so I knew it was a challenge but also knew the accomplishment would fuel my self esteem.  Even though I was the oldest person in the class and probably the most out of shape, I hung with most of the others when suddenly I became extremely distracted-- I noticed my toenail was coming off!

Toenails don't normally just come off but I had been expecting this to happen.  About three weeks ago while helping my granddaughter push her paddle board back into the ocean, a huge wave pushed the paddle board back over my big toenail and pulled it off.  Thanks to the work of my son-in-law who is an emergency doctor, my toenail was sewn back on but he did assure me it would come off when the new toenail began to grow back.  I just had no idea it would happen in the middle of an exercise class.

As the instructor had everyone stand around the wall and hold on to the bar to do some stretches, I looked down and somehow the toenail had completely come off.  I quickly scanned where I had been standing and suddenly I spied the pink, polished loose toenail lying in the middle of the room.  As everyone was distracted by the panting and sweating I quickly scooped it up and headed to the bathroom.  Of course I didn't want anyone to see a toenail lying in the trash can so I had to wrap it very tightly with toilet paper and head back to class with a naked toe.

After class when no one was the wiser, I carefully viewed the toe and noticed indeed a new toenail had pushed the old one out of place.

Now how does a toenail compare with the first day of retirement?  This new phase of life has affected me physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I have wondered what would I do, where I would go, and how to I find fulfillment.  I had actually dreaded today because it was sort of the last situation I would face in this unchartered territory- the first day of school that did not include me.

But...I have been so pleasantly surprised.  My morning devotion time has been unrushed and uninterrupted.  I had time to pray for friends and former colleagues as they had a first day (all in the comfort of my robe, sitting outside, drinking a cup of coffee).  Finishing my exercise class and shopping at Target while sipping a frappuccino was just a bonus!

Just like the old toenail was pushed out of the way for the new, my old routine has been pushed out of the way to make room for the new!  What a perfect day for that to happen!  I think it's all going to be OK.

Forty —Part Deux!

A few years ago I dedicated an entry to Heather celebrating her fortieth birthday.  It was a milestone for her but also for me.   Now here I...