Saturday, December 12, 2015

"Basic Math"

Passage: Psalm 147:4  He counts the number of stars; He gives names to all of them.”

I read this humorous quote the other day:  MATH – Mental Abuse to Humans.  Sorry to those who are math lovers but for some reason many students (and adults) struggle with math. 

There is so much to say about math but I devote this day to our family’s math whiz – our own oldest grandson, Will (whose 12th birthday just happens to be today!)  Will has this amazing ability in math and while he is only in 6th grade, he is already in advanced math classes.  So advanced that when Bill and I took care of the kids a few months ago, I didn’t even dare try to understand his homework.  (I have to admit I couldn’t even help Hadley with her 4th grade math homework – we waited until Lance got home.  Thank goodness Brooks is just in first grade.)

We are proud of Will.  He has represented his class now twice in a statewide competition in math reasoning.  There must be some reason for it!  When I think of how I survived (on a basic level) my high school and college math classes, I am amazed when I see the formulas, problems, and processes in higher-level mathematics I can so not relate. 

Yet even on our best days, with the brightest, smartest minds on the planet working with the fastest processing computers we don’t scratch the surface of God’s ability.  He numbers the hairs on our head, numbers our days, and counts and names the stars.  A truly astounding scripture on the greatness of God is in Job 38-41.  By the time the LORD had questioned Job (a overwhelming thought alone), Job answered:  “I know that You can do anything and no plan of Yours can be thwarted…surely I spoke about things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.”

I am also eternally thankful for a God who is mysterious and awesome and mighty beyond any human ability.   He has no equal on earth!  There is nothing we can add to His greatness and nothing can be taken away from Him.  He multiplies our blessing and heals our divisiveness.  No problem is too hard to be solved! 

I am thankful for those who have an understanding of math and of course for our own Prince William.  Seriously, we use math every day and depend on the order, direction and sequence it gives to us.  (I am still waiting to see how algebra comes into play…) 

How can you make this Christmas count?

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